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The Wonder Tonics In Your Kitchen


Your kitchen may be filled with ingredients that are absolute powerhouses of health. Ingredients that will help your body achieve balance and keep many common diseases at bay. And if you know me, you know how I love to share the secrets of these hidden gems with everyone who will listen.

There are many “wonder” foods I can discuss but today I am going to focus on my BIG 4- Cayenne pepper, lemons, raw apple cider vinegar, and coconut oil. When these ingredients are combined into a tonic, you have an amazingly powerful preventative and/or remedy for a multitude of modern diseases including what I call the “Mother Disease”- Inflammation.


Systemic Inflammation occurs when our bodies are in an acidic state and when we consume too many carbohydrates. Foods such as trans fats, wheat, animal proteins, omega 6 oils, and sugar all create an acidic environment. To re-balance our PH and regain an alkaline state, you can create a wonder tonic that you can take 3 times a day. Trust me, if you incorporate this into your daily routine, you will notice a difference in how you feel and look within a very short time.

Every morning when you wake up, put a kettle on your stove and heat the water for 3 minutes. It should be warmer than room temp but not hot. Fill a mason jar with the warm water. Cut an organic lemon in half and squeeze one half of the lemon into the water. Add 1/2 teaspoon of cayenne pepper and stir well. Add 2 tablespoons of raw, organic apple cider vinegar “with the mother” (I use Braggs). Be sure to gently shake the bottle first so that the “mother” sediment (which contains all the magic) is dispersed evenly within the liquid. Now add 1 tablespoon of raw, organic coconut oil and stir until it is melted (it is usually solid unless the air temperature is rather hot.appcid

Now drink it. I am not going to lie. It is not the greatest tasting tonic in the world so I advise against sipping it. It will only prolong the displeasure. Just chug it back and let the magic begin. Wait 30 minutes or so before consuming food to allow your system to process the tonic and receive maximum benefit before having to focus on digestion.

This tonic stimulates the liver, the body’s primary detoxing organ, and kick-starts the digestive system. Your liver releases uric acid and creates bile to safely eliminate toxins. Keeping your liver and digestive system clean and in tip-top shape helps prevent chronic disease.

Lemon juice and cayenne pepper both have anti-fungal, immune boosting, and detoxifying properties:

  • Lemon is a natural detoxifier as vitamin C transforms toxins into digestible material. In addition to vitamin C, lemons are also packed with antioxidants and electrolytes including potassium, calcium and magnesium. Lemon is also known to stimulate the liver’s natural enzymes by helping to oxygenate the body.
  • Cayenne pepper stimulates the circulatory system by opening the capillaries, aids digestion, and helps regulate blood sugar. Furthermore, and very importantly, it increases the temperature of your body and kick-starts your metabolism.
  • Apple cider vinegar, that contains the mother, Prevents bladder stones and urinary tract infections, may have anti tumor properties, improves skin conditions such as acne, increases metabolism which can result in weight loss, helps prevent muscle fatigue and soreness from exercise, and improves digestion.
  • Coconut oil actually feeds your brain. Our brains are 70% fat. And consuming healthy saturated fats actually feeds our brain. In fact, new research is showing that coconut oil has profound effects on Alzheimer patients and children with Autism. It also kills viruses as it is a natural antibiotic. Another application is using it like mouthwash in a process called oil pulling, which can kill some of the harmful bacteria in the mouth, improve dental health and reduce bad breath. Sounds strange but recent studies are confirming the benefits of this ancient practice.lemon

Lemons, though acidic, and cayenne pepper, though super-spicy, actually help neutralize the body’s pH by making it more alkaline.This pH imbalance creates inflammation which, again, is the “Mother Disease”.

By adding the coconut oil and the vinegar, you bring together all the elements and benefits listed above.

This drink is also a great energy booster, and has replaced my morning coffee most days now.

When we wake up, our bodies are dehydrated. Rather then drinking coffee, which is a diuretic and further dehydrates the body and causes acidity, this wonder water gives our bodies the hydration it needs and the health boost our bodies need in our modern age.

Make this a daily ritual and you will soon see and feel the near miraculous benefits. Bottoms up!

Embracing the Dark. Realizing the Positive Influence of Negative Situations


I certainly Hope you are all taking advantage of this gorgeous Oregon weather and getting out into our vast expanse of natural resources which are within minutes of our great city. We are going on our first rafting trip of the season tomorrow and I am extremely excited. Friends, nature, picnic lunches, some choice beverages, and a four hour journey along the Clackamas River. The very definition of happiness for me.

I opened up my e-mails this morning and received this very inspirational e-mail which was written by Craig Ballantyne, creator and founder of  the Turbulence Training method. It really gave me pause to think back on my life.

There have been times when I have looked back in regret and self-pity over things I experienced while growing up. And while I have valid reason to harbor some “bad feelings” about things I had to deal with, I knew that this type of thinking was not constructive. But I found myself slipping into the all too easy “pity party” mentality. This short article confirms the power of looking at things from a positive angle. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

The TRUTH About Luck and Success
By BioTrust Advisor, Craig Ballantyne

Luck has been in my corner since day one back in 1975.

I was extraordinarily lucky to be born in Canada into a lower-middle class family. Lucky enough to have been educated in the years of the first home computer, to have come of age as the first Internet generation, and to have stumbled across the convergence of direct marketing and online e-commerce before everyone and their uncle knew about it.

When I was a child I was lucky enough to have an alcoholic, underachieving, embarrassing father who gave me the first chip on my shoulder, one that compelled me to work harder, achieve more, and go further so that I could escape his shadow.

I was also lucky that my mother had dropped out of high school and spent the rest of her life working for barely more than the minimum wage, never earning more than $28,000 in a year. I was lucky, because of her mistakes, that she would never let me make the same ones.

And boy was I lucky to have went to grade school with patches on my knees, for this caused me great embarrassment and instilled in me the drive to do better, to excel in school, to get into the best program in college, to make the Dean’s Honor List three years in a row, to get accepted into a Master’s program, to study until 10pm on weekends so I could earn a scholarship to help me pay for 6 years of post-secondary education – and so that I’d never feel embarrassed like that again.

It’s as though I’ve had a horseshoe made out of rabbit’s feet around my neck for these past thirty years.

I’ve also been lucky to make friends with entrepreneurs like Bedros Keuilian, a real-life American Dream. Bedros was lucky to have been born in Armenia (then part of the Soviet Union) and to have a father that gambled his family’s safety by bribing their way out of the USSR so they could arrive virtually penniless in America (legally).

Bedros was also lucky enough to arrive in America in 1980 without being able to speak a lick of English. He was fortunate that his family was so poor that he had to “dumpster-dive” behind grocery stores for food. Without this luck, Bedros wouldn’t have the burning desire that has allowed him to succeed and create a better life, so that as he often tells me, “My kids will never have to spend an hour of their lives in daycare.”

And I’m lucky enough to be friends with Matt Smith, another lucky young man from my generation who, like me, grew up with little more than an embarrassment of a father and a mother that spent the little money she had to take care of her children.

Among Matt’s lucky childhood experiences was the night when his mother scraped together a few dollars for a special Friday dinner of take-out pizza. That night, the Smiths were lucky to have mistakenly left the pizza on top of the car as they drove away). Eventually, the pizza fell off the car’s roof into the middle of a busy intersection – where car after car drove over it – and this was a lucky break for Matt.


Because the Smiths’ had no money to go and buy a replacement pizza. And so Matt will forever remember that night – and that feeling – as something he will never want to experience again. It’s just another lucky motivator in his drive to do better and succeed so that his children won’t have to experience that great fortune.

That kind of luck leaves a burning desire that NOTHING – not even a life of iPhones, TV’s in every room of the house, unending after-school activities, or 24/7 Internet and cable TV access – could ever top.

My luck continues. I’m fortunate to know Isabel De Los Rios and fellow BioTrust Advisor, one of the world’s most successful nutrition experts, who herself was lucky enough to spend almost a decade as a sick, unhealthy, overweight, and unhappy young woman, so that she could truly understand the troubles that her hundreds of thousands of female clients go through.

Isabel was also lucky enough to be downright broke when she applied to my Mastermind Group in 2008, having to borrow the money from her fiancé. It was due to her great fortune to be in these situations that she committed to working harder than almost any other person I’ve ever coached. This has allowed her to pull herself up from financial stress and into a business where today she has over 200,000 customers that have been lucky enough to get Isabel’s help as they change their lives.

Finally, there’s Michael Masterson, one of my business mentors that was lucky enough to grow up in a poor household of ten children. He was lucky enough to have so little that it drove him to become the entrepreneur and mentor to hundreds of thousands of good folks all around the world.

This is the luckiest group of individuals you might ever meet. We were lucky to have had the experiences we did because they taught us so much and drove us to great action. Without our setbacks, what would we have achieved? We have been part of the luckiest generations to have ever lived.

What about your luck? Have you lucked out and been fortunate to have gone through similar struggles? Have you been given the inspiration to work harder than ever, to explore new opportunities to take control of your future, and that drive you towards financial independence? Are you one of the fortunate ones that were not born with a silver spoon so that you could learn the importance of adding value to the world in exchange for a fair return? Have you been lucky enough to fail again and again?

Never forget that failure isn’t bad. Failure isn’t final. Don’t let the fear of failure stop you from achieving the success you deserve. If you’re struggling, keep hustling. Keep taking at least one big action step each day.

Failure is good luck. Just listen to these experts.

“Problems are in your life so that you can discover potentials that you didn’t even know you had.”  – Barry Michels

“Failure is a detour, not a dead-end street.” – Zig Ziglar

”Every adversity, every failure, every heartache carries with it the seed on an equal or greater benefit.” – Napolean Hill

”Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.” -Winston Churchill

“Everybody in your situation has the same choice: you can rue your situation or you can dedicate yourself to changing it. Accept responsibility for your future. Refuse to complain, criticize, or condemn. If you want us to help you achieve your goals, then trust in and follow our advice. Stop doubting it. Stop denying it. Have faith.” –  Mark Ford

I can only hope you’ve been as lucky as I have over the years. And the old saying is true, you know, “The harder I work, the luckier I get”. So take that luck that you get and press it. Keep on pushing. It only gets easier from here.


Now, appreciate the gift that a good challenge can be. And close the computer, get out in the sun and fresh air, and move your body. Go make a happy memory.

Body Weight Exercices- Your Key to Rapid fat Loss


You can get a great workout with your own body weight at home or in a nearby park. Plus, most of the gyms located on every street corner are filled with machines that are no match for body weight exercises! I have yet to find a treadmill that can help one lose fat faster than a tough body weight circuit workout. And as most of you know I hate treadmills

For some, body weight training or “free hand” training, as we like to call in within LifeREACH Fitness culture, involves mainly joint mobility type exercises along with stretching and other light exercises.

Now if this is what you think about body weight training, it’s a shame, because body weight training can be far more intense than this, especially in our proprietary Mind Body Fitness Classes.

Try doing 50-60 full push ups in a row, 150-200 squats, or 25 fast paced burpees in a row and you will understand why.

A great advantage of body weight routines is that they offer you a gym that goes wherever your body goes. So that means you can perform body weight training even while you travel. Your body is your machine.

I must, however, remind you that fat loss is directly influenced by your diet. So performing 100 push ups followed by a trip through the Taco Bell drive-thru is not an option when looking to lose fat and optimizing your health!

One of the best ways to perform body weight training for fat loss is to do circuits or timed sets: A circuit simply involves performing multiple exercises one after the other and then repeating them after a brief pause. Timed sets refers to a set that is done for a fixed time rather than for a fixed number of repetitions. So for example if you do a timed set of 30 seconds of push ups, then you will try to get as many reps as you can in those 30 seconds with good form rather than try to get a fixed number of reps.

Here are some sample bodyweight workouts for fat loss that you can perform with little to no equipment:


Monday, Wednesday, Friday

Push ups- 3 sets of 10-15 reps (start with hands on bed if you cannot do them on floor)

Split squats- 2 sets of 6-8 reps each side (go as low as comfortable in the beginning)

Plank hold- 2 sets of 20-30 seconds

Squats- 3 sets of 20-25 reps (start with sitting on a chair if required and then work to doing it without any aid)

Add repetitions to the exercises with time to progress. On other days add some jogging/ fast walking/ sports, etc to burn more calories.

Intermediate to early advance

Monday, Thursday

A1) Push ups- 3 sets of 45-60 seconds

A2) Bulgarian split squats- 3 sets of 8-10 reps each side

B1) Side bridges- 3 sets of 30 seconds each side

C1) Squats- 3 sets of 60 seconds each

C2) Slow and controlled sit up- 3 sets of 10 reps (go down with a slow 4 seconds count and go up slowly too)

Tuesday, Saturday

A1) Hindu push ups- 3 sets of 30-45 seconds

A2) Lunges- 3 sets of 30 seconds each leg

B1) T-rotations- 3 sets of 30 seconds each side

B2) 1 leg Romanian deadlfits- 3 sets of 8-12 reps

Burpees- 5 sets of 10-15 reps with a 30-45 seconds break

A1 and A2 refers to alternating sets. So do 1 set of A1 and rest for a minute and then do 1 set of A2. Again rest for a minute and perform a set of A1 until all the sets of the two exercises are done. With the timed sets you should aim to get more reps with time.

As you may have noticed, I have left out a very effective exercise – the pull up. This is because not everyone has access to a pull up bar at home. Plus most overweight individuals will struggle to do them till they drop some serious body fat. If, however, you do have the opportunity to do them, then by all means go for it.

So stop procrastinating and try these workouts, don’t forget to maintain a good diet, remember those rest days for proper recovery, and watch the fat literally melt off your frame.

While it is great to add these exercises to your daily, at home routine, it is vital to join a group exercise program such as LifeREACH Mind Body Fitness not only for routine and accountability, but for social support and guidance. It is imperative that you have guidance by a certified personal trainer to avoid injury.

Intention and Fitness Goals


A huge part of reaching your fitness and weight loss goals is dialing in your intentions prior to each training session. 

But what exactly is an intention? Your goal may be to lose weight, to develop lean muscle, or to reduce stress and anxiety. But is that an intention?

Get to the root of your goal. Sure, you want to look good but if you delve deeper into why you want to look good, you can find your root intention.

Think of your mind as a funhouse style hall of mirrors where you can see many reflections of yourself from all different angles. Now view your outer intention from all these different angles and you will eventually find the root.

You want to look good. Good to whom? Your spouse or partner? Your friends and co-workers? Everyone? Why? So they see you as living a healthy lifestyle and become envious? So they find you sexually attractive? Look to you for sage advice on wholesome living?

You decide honestly that you want others to look to you for sage advice because of the progress you have made. Now really examine that. Is it because you enjoy being a know it all? Or is it because you have a passionate desire to improve your life and want to inspire others to do the same?

You decide you want to inspire others. Bravo! That is the intention you need to focus on during your sessions.

“I will push myself through this workout so that I will reach my goals and be an inspiration to others to do the same.”

Once you have mastered the art and science of honing in on your root intentions, you can start implementing them in all areas of your life such as daily intentions:

“I intend to inspire one person today to take their spouse out for a date night”

“I intend to get one friend to begin an exercise routine so they can live a healthier life.”

“I intend to make a child smile and feel good about herself.”

The more you implement this practice into your daily routine, the easier it will be for you to set a laser focus on the core intentions you set for yourself. 

It is helpful to journal and log these intentions so you can track how many you set and how many you achieve. Remember, accountability for your daily actions is KEY and tracking your actions make them a habit and habits become character. Be the character you want to create!


Are You Beach Ready?

Ah, the grey clouds and rain are finally giving way to sunshine and warm weather here in Portland. With the warm weather comes an excuse to get out and buy a new swimsuit. Now, many of you will be mortified to find last season’s suit fitting a bit snug. The good news is that you can shed those extra winter pounds and get beach body ready with our 21 day Fat Blast program. This program is designed specifically to melt off those few extra pounds using our proprietary blend of yoga, body weight exercises, and meditation to lower Cortisol and bring a slimmer you FAST! Contact us TODAY!